Saturday 30 July 2011

Arah tuju dan MATLAMAT??

Assalamualaikum readers......

apa khabar korang hr ni?? ni fadz kepenatan sgt2.....had a symposium for the whole day.....accounting symposium........ok.....before i continue writing this entry,let me tell all of you,that i'm still studying......hehehe......=) ok....i think there were lot of knowledge yg fadz nk share kt,1 slot yg plg buat mata fadz segar bugar n pay attention is slot by 1 of partner Ernst & Young.....forgot his name....but he is Indian...

ok,meh fadz story sikit yer apa yg menarik minat fadz sgt's all about you ever heard about it????

it is a global body for professional accountants......and now we talk about DREAM AND ACHIEVE.....this is what i want in my life after finish my degree....and i'll make sure that i'll achieve it...korang mcm mn??ada yg berminat tak dgn ACCA ni???mn laa tau kalau ada yg antara you all yg berminat,,here fadz nk share sikit info regarding ACCA.......

based on apa yg speaker dr Ernst & Young td ckp,ACCA tu bknlah wajib tuk semua accounting student....TAPI,kalau korang memasang impipan untuk mengembangkan future korang di audit firm yg listed mcm Big 4,sooner or later you still need to take this 1 of the TOUGHEST examination in the world.....because all this paper axamination will determine the level of your profesionalism..sound WOWWWWWWW,right????hurmmmm...

korang rs takut ke bila dengar this name??mean,ACCA....same goes to,why we must feel like that kn???tu apa yg kita impikan..apa yg kita nk capai dlm hidup kita... masa depan kita......

ini secara terperinci sedikit berkaitan ACCA ;

What is the ACCA Program?

The ACCA professional qualification has become a global benchmark of accounting excellence. Its rigorous exam syllabus ensures technical competence in a range of key commercial subjects. And with increased emphasis on ethical awareness and practical experience, it ensures that successful candidates have the skills toolkit to address modern business needs.

Who are the ACCA?

Established in 1904, the ACCA has students and members in 170 countries, and its popularity is endorsed by more than 260,000 students currently training towards the qualification. The combination of high quality exams and training flexibility are attractive to training managers, and ensure that qualified ACCAs are well equipped to deal with the demands of the financial, corporate and public sector markets.

How are the Exams Structured?

The December 2007 exam sitting will be the first of the new ACCA syllabus and exam structure. There are two exam levels, Fundamentals and Professional, both of which are sub-divided into two modules, which sub-divide further into individual exam papers.

Are There Exam Entry Requirements?

The minimum entry requirements are two A Levels and three GCSEs or equivalent in five separate subjects, including English and Mathematics. The Mature Student Entry Route (MSER) is also available to those who are over 21, but do not meet the above criteria.
For further information on entry requirements, please visit

Are There Practical Experience Requirements?

In addition to successfully completing the examinations, to achieve ACCA membership you will also be required to demonstrate 3 years of practical experience and complete a PER (Practical Experience Requirements) record.
For further details of the practice experience requirements, please

What are the Exam Regulations?
· Assuming no exemptions you must complete 14 papers
· You can take a maximum of four papers at any sitting; there is no minimum
· The ACCA insist that modules are attempted in order, but allow individual papers within a module to be attempted out of sequence
· The ACCA allows 10 years from your registration date to complete the exams

Are There Any Exam Exemptions?

You can be exempted from all nine papers of the Fundamentals Level if you hold a relevant accredited accounting degree. Those holding the CAT qualification can transfer to the skills module of the ACCA by claiming exemption from the first three papers in the Knowledge module.
Please visit for full exemption information.

What is the Exam Format?

Exams are sat twice a year, in June and December. The Knowledge papers are 2 hours in duration whilst all remaining papers are 3 hours plus an additional 15 minutes of reading and planning time. All the papers are paper-based, except for the Knowledge Module which is available as both a paper-based and computer-based examination. serba sedikit yg fadz amik dr web ACCA....for futher information,you can visit here.

that all yerr korang..nnt any info fadz share lg ngn semua......=)


  1. Salam...akak pun minat ngan ACCA...

    nanti kalau fadz dah abih degree n dah kerja yang berkaitan akaun..mohon la MIA member...baru leh di panggil accountant..:)InsyaAllah..moga di permudahkan urusan kita semua..:)

  2. kak linda: salam....wah,akak....akk pon b'minat???jom kte amk sme2 fadz de lg 2thun lg nk mcm lmbt jerr....x sbr.....akk dh de MIA yer??wahhh...beznyerr.......=)


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